Monday 25 November 2013

Tutorial Task Week 7: Discussion on the Digital Language Learning Materials

Learning object
“A learning object is a representation designed to afford uses in different educational context” (Churchill, 2007)

Web links in Edmodo & Blog

- Visual/graphic featured indicates a certain meaning (Edmodo: Notifications, profile & Backpack)

Learning material

Each learning material possess its own user interface, usability and definable learning goal.
• A range of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to support specific learning objectives, as set out in lesson plans.
- Teacher’s instruction/description
- Edmodo & Blogger interface in general.


For this section, there are two activities that we decide to choose for our digital language learning materials. 
Theme: Environment
Topic: Go Green
Focus skill: Writing (sentence connectors)
DLLM: Edmodo & Blog

First activity

In this activity, the students will be doing brainstorming regarding to the topic of “Go Green”. Here, teacher will provide subtopic for every group. So, every group will have to do different subtopic.
Examples of subtopic:
• How to Go Green?
• Why Go Green?
• Benefits of Go Green
• What is 3R concept?
• What is “Earth Day”?

*for this activity, teacher can use Edmodo to carry out this activity. Hence, every group members will be doing the brainstorming regarding the chosen topic. Teacher can held the online discussion and comment the students work.

Second activity

Instruction: As a vice president of the “Environment Club”, write a short talk of not more than 150 words regarding the chosen topic by using right sentence connectors.

In this second activity, teacher will ask the students to write a short talk and the discussion will be conduct by using the Edmodo whereas the complete short talk will be place on the students’ blog. Purpose of doing so is that, when using Edmodo the students can and teacher can have a discussion on their choosen topic. On the other hand, by using blog the students can use their creativity to present their work as the features and appearance of their blog can be customize. Moreover, by using those DLLM an interesting, fun and interactive environment of learning can be created.

Visual Design

• Harmony

For this aspect it refers to the manner elements of a display interact together in a pleasing manner. We found out that Blog could provide this aspect as the students able to change the theme and customize the features according to their interest.

• Balance and symmetry
The elements of the blog page also can be change by moving the position closer or farther from the center of the page so that it can be balance.
By using blog, different types of symmetry can be create and it is depend on the students creativity but mostly students will prefer to use the approximate horizontal symmetry, horizontal symmetry and radial symmetry.

• Emphasis
This aspect emphasize on the color, value, shapes or other design elements to achieve dominance. For Blog the color is orange and it has initial “B” whereas Edmodo the color is blue + white and has shape represent the icon of Edmodo.


• Alignment
Both Blog and Edmodo provide alignment that organizes the features of the page. For Blog, the alignment can be customized but Edmodo cannot and it is fixed already. In addition, alignment that is provided allows us to see clearly the texts, label and pictures that is posted.

• Unity
This aspect can be found clearly at Edmodo. Visual presented shows that this sites is use for the learning purposes by both teachers and students. The image gives a sense of closure and the background image reflects its function.

Technical usability

• Learnability

Blog and Edmodo are quite easy to be learnt by the students and they can go through and explore it by themselves without much aid from teacher. Students will not take so much time to be familiar in using that application for the purpose of learning.

• Efficiency
Both applications are very efficient as the users can upgrade the available features to a more functional feature that can be displayed in one page. As beginner the students can just use the simple features but as they are familiar in using it, they can explore more about the other features that can be use for the learning purposes.

• Memorability
Blog and Edmodo able the students to use the features easily and we are sure that once the students already use it, later it is going to be easy for them to be familiar with the operational principles for the next time.

• Satisfaction 
Overall, as we ever experienced using Blog and Edmodo, we found out that both application are very good, interesting and it also satisfy our needs as a students.

Pedagogical Usability

• Learner Control

-Learning a new topic, learners’ memory should not be burdened to an optimal level.
-Divide the material into smaller meaningful units

Eg: There are two tasks respectively- brainstorming with their members regarding a topic. As can be seen, the topic ‘Go Green’ has been divided into 5 segments or parts so that each group will only focus on a particular issue to come up with variety of ideas.

• Learner activity

-Determined by the learners characteristics but learning material that support student activity by being interesting and based on real life.
-Introduced problem-based learning-> learners is presented with a certain amount of source material and constructs their own conception of the topic to be learned
-Encourage collaborative nature of learning.

Eg: Based on the task given, each group of students were assigned to come up with solutions or gather information regarding the issue. For example Group A has to come up with methods/solutions to `Go Green’. It is undeniable that this topic is based on real life (environment), plus it helps to nurture the students to value the benefits of the Going Green and directly creates awareness among students to protect the environment. 

• Cooperative/Collaborative learning
-Studying with other learners to reach a common learning goal.
-Learners are demonstrating active participation to construct knowledge as members of communities in practise.
-Cooperative learning is more structured compared to collaborative learning -> teacher in control
-Learning takes place in groups where members gather and structure information, the system or learning material, should offer the learners tools that can be used to communicate and negotiate approaches to a learning problem.

Eg: The teacher allows the students to use Edmodo as a medium to communicate with their peers or group members to complete the task for brainstorming purposes since. Edmodo is a platform for online discussions to take place effectively. From this online discussion, students are able to share and gather information.

• Goal orientation
-Goals and objectives should be clear.
-Best result -> learning material, teaching and learner are aligned.
-Goals can be concrete or abstract
-If goals do not originate from learner, the meaning should be explained to them.

Eg: Before assigning the task to the students, the teacher ought to brainstorm in overall regarding the environment theme before going in depth, so that the learner gains an insight of the topic that is going to be learnt. Therefore, the teacher plays an important role here, by stating the relevance of the lesson and how important it is for them to acquire the knowledge to apply in daily life.

• Applicability

-Approach taken in learning material should correspond to the skills that learner will need in everyday and working life.
-Effectively accomplished through learning involving practical tasks
-Learning material should be at an appropriate level from the point of view of a learner’s learning process.
Eg: The teaching is projected to intermediate Malaysian Form 2 English Language learners therefore it is vital for the students to learn about the importance of environment and the tasks seem to be at the right level since it is less complicated and more direct in terms of the instructions/questions. 

• Added Value
-In the form of creative use of possibilities that technology offers
-Computer assisted learning offer following added values:
-Adaptability of individual needs
-Number of flexible options
-Learning is controlled  by learners, initiated by the learner and is in the form of that the learner desires
-Interesting content
-Development of communication
-Learners’ active participation

-Offer the learners tools that are suited to control the learning material contents and effectively and economically make use of that material.

-Learners should feel it is best to learn using technology.

Eg: Blog is an interesting webpage that can be integrated in teaching and learning process because it is fully authorized by the learners. The layout, colour, arrangements of the icons are fully based on learners creativity. Blog also promotes active participation since it is a new form of learning material which is quite engaging and fun to use with.

• Motivation
-Learners should be given incentives, be able to self-regulate, achieve learning expectations , failure and success, performance or learning goals should be acknowledge, be guided either by intrinsic or extrinsic goal.

Eg: The teacher should monitor and send feedback (via online) regarding the students’ progress in both Edmodo and Blog so that the students feel that their work is appreciated which causes the learners to be more excited and motivated to do other tasks via online. The teacher also should give positive remarks for the students who worked hard.

• Valuation of previous knowledge

-Learning material respects learners’ previous knowledge -> takes into account individual differences in skills and knowledge and encourages them to take advantage of it during learning.
-Learning material reviews central concepts from earlier lessons that are important for understanding present material -> diminished the importance of learners’ previous knowledge of previous material and the cumulative nature of knowledge

Eg: The students are well aware of the campaigns related to environment and the importance of ‘Going Green’ due to mega projects conducted by government and have background knowledge regarding the issue. Therefore, the activity used exploit the students background information and by doing this task, the learners will have better understanding regarding the topic.

• Flexibility
-Takes into account learners’ individual differences
-Should be given opportunity to navigate freely through the learning material
-Contains diverse activities

Eg: Blogging enables the learners to design their own background/ layout for their blog. The students will make effort to make their blog looks appealing and interesting. Blogging enables the learners to make attempt for including visual elements such as animated cartoons to suit the content. 

- Should provide encouraging and immediate feedback
- Encouraging feedback increases learning motivation
- Immediate feedback help learners to understand the problematic parts in their learning
Eg:  The teacher gives comments or suggestions to improve the points in their piece of writing so that the students learn where their mistake lies and improve their idea and style of writing.

*DLLM presentation pdf


  • Jeeivita Kathirvelu Pillai
  • Anasuhah Binti Buyong
  • Nabilah Huda Bt Hamdan
  • Ainatul Mardiah Bt Manin

Tutorial Task Week 9 : Materials for Teaching of Listening

Listening text extract from F2 textbook (Topic: Looking Good, Feeling Great)

1) How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?                                                       
Stage 1: Receiving

-Intentional focus on hearing a speaker’s message, which happens when we filter out other sources
Eg: The main objective of the talk is to listen and detect the missing information to fill in the blanks. The talk is related to personal hygiene so the students need to focus on listening to the steps on personal hygiene only. If the talk is quite long and include other elements such as effects of personal hygiene, then the students mind will automatically filter these information because it is considered to be unimportant to them.

Stage 2: Understanding

- Attempt to learn the meaning (which is not always easy)
Eg: The students will make attempt to learn the meaning of the talk-new vocabulary * and predict the synonym of the word.

Stage 3: Remembering
-Trying to recall back what has been said (might have missed)

Eg: While the students struggle to understand the meaning in the process, they might have missed relevant information or answers and try to recall back on what has been mentioned earlier.

Stage 4: Evaluating

- Judging the value of the message
Eg: After got the answers, the students try to make sense and value the message-is it important? Is it relevant?

Stage 5: Feedback

- Indicate your involvement
Eg : After the listening task, the teacher plays their role by asking one or two representatives from the class to give their answers before giving their answers so that the students will feel more motivated to learn in the class.

2) To what extend do they assist in developing the listening skills of our students?

               I.   Teaches the students to find the keywords, in other words, focus on what’s important/relevant

            -Based on the listening task given in the Looking Good Feeling Great (pg 121), the students are required to listen to a recorded audio talk to get the answers to fill in the blanks. Therefore, the students need to listen intently to get the correct answers-filter unimportant words/information and focus on answering the questions.

             II.   Enables the students to figure out/identify the correct way for pronouncing words/tone

-Language acquisition can be done effectively by using several method-watching English based program, listening to songs and etc. Academically thinking, listening to a good speaker is a good way to acquire the language better. Even though, the recorded talk is one- way communication but still the students able to check on actual/correct manner of utterances as well as the tone of the speech of the speaker. Later, the students will imitate the speaker and slowly, they make progress.

            III. Enhances the cognitive skills of the students

-What is defined as cognitive skills? Cognitive skills refers to an individual’s ability to process or synthesise information, filter unimportant information and store essential knowledge in short-term memory or long term memory. Based on the listening activity in the Looking Good Feeling Great topic (page 121), the students are required to listen to a recorded talk for twice. First, the students will be given some time to read and understand the questions before the teacher proceed to play the recorded talk. Some students might have gotten the answers right away while certain students may face difficulties to familiarize with the intonation, accent, pitch and pronunciation of the speaker and could have missed the important elements (answers). When the talk is being played for the second time, this opens up chances for the students to focus on the missed elements and take note while for some students, they can take this opportunity to check their answers. 

  • Jeeivita Kathirvelu Pillai
  • Anasuhah binti Buyong
  • Nabilah Huda Bt Hamdan
  • Ainatul Mardhiah Bt Manin