Monday, 1 October 2012

Formation of Sentences with Random Words From Newspapers

This is a group task.A group consists of 5 members.Our group members are Nabila Hamdan,Rizzal,Erni Nabilah,Nur Saleha and me(Jeeivita Kathirvelu Pillai).We had two local English newspapers and we were asked to find a word from the newspaper. For instance, the word 'clean'.So,we have to find the word and extract the word from newspaper and paste it onto an A4 paper.Miss Yoon asked us to find a few words and the picture above explains it all. Later on,we were asked to form three sentences regarding 'Preservation of Sea or River'.Finally,our group managed to come up with three varied sentences....Here it goes...

1.When we preserve our sea,we can help to reduce the extinction of marine life.

2.The government should preserve the sea because fish are the main source of the protein.

3.Preserving our sea will lower the rate and risk of illnesses caused  by polluted sources.

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